Monday's with Melissa Blog Posts

Authentic, Quirky and Just MeIn building this website, there was the philosophical question of “to blog or not to blog”.   I think I have read every and all options of how to blog, why to blog, benefits of blogging, and the list goes on and on.  I have polled every friend that would listen and some that were tired of listening!  

In the end, I decided that I would blog my way.   The way that I would with a friend or in a session.  The way that shows who I am as a person – not just a therapist – in order to be able to show my personality besides words on a page that highlight my professional accomplishments.  

Everything written is truth.   But beyond the truth of what I have done comes the truth of who I am, which is an imperfect human being just like you.  One that has experienced hurt and pain, disappointment and failures, questions about my worth and value and as the momma of a child taking an extended gap year from a university that I am still grieving over, and questions about my stellar parenting. In the end, it is my choice daily to make a decision to give into the emotions of the day or issue at hand OR to trust in the bigger picture of who I am and what I stand for. Do I make mistakes daily?   Absolutely! Do I question myself and my decisions at times?   Totally!   Just ask my best friends, they (of course) are sworn to secrecy but they could tell you story after story about choices I have made that were less than fabulous or something I did that we still laugh over thirty years later. No matter who you are or what you do, you will have successes and failures, strengths and areas for improvement, as well as things you wish you could forget.   The bottom line is what you do with it in the end and how you allow it to bring you down or force you to grow.I do what I do because I am passionate about partnering with individuals to evolve into the individual they want to be.  The individual they were created to be.   And the individual that will have such a powerful impact on those around them.   So that is my reason for a weekly blog. Becoming the individual you desire to be can be painful at times, but I also believe that it can be fun along the way.   Not always of course and especially not with particular issues. But it does not always need to be esoteric or serious or super analytical. There are teachable moments in every silly thing we do on a daily basis if we take the time to look past the annoyance and find the moment.My therapy style tends to use a lot of tangible analogies to allow the subjective unseen struggles to be real and relative to 2020. My weekly blog posts will include some of these analogies, but also some of my more humorous teachable moments that I hope will bring you a smile, allow you to realize that you are not in this alone, and finally show you that life is meant to be lived in a way that you can thrive with a little laughter along the way.Even helping professionals, high achievers, enneagram 3’s or those who never let anyone see they sweat need a place to be human.  This is where I want to drop my cape and encourage you to do the same in this journey with me. 

We are in this together

 - the good, the bad, the ugly -

being authentic is the only way for us to thrive.

Looking forward to spending time with each of you before our week begins on Monday mornings beginning Monday May 4, 2020.Take care of you -Melissa


Daily Masks: Overcoming Shame