Therapy for Burnout & Compassion Fatigue
for women in CA, FL, OH, PA, TN, & TX
Compassion fatigue. Burnout. Spent. Exhausted. Depleted. Weary.
And my favorite: CRISPY.
Any of those terms sound familiar to you? I spoke with a client this evening who said she felt a “heaviness” that she could not explain. She feels like the weight of the world of her shoulders. She worried that this is a feeling that could only be understood by someone who got it. I totally understood what she meant – on many levels – I have felt this weight too. More frequently than I would like to admit.
These feelings are avoidable, with help.
Someone asked me recently if becoming “burned out” happens to everyone. My answer always remains the same: only if you allow it to happen.
Ouch. That hurts to read, doesn’t it? Becoming crispy is something that is completely in our control. But, it’s also something that we tend to ignore when it’s happening to us. As overachievers, we assume that we can transcend the signs and symptoms of burnout. We think we can just power through. I bet you’ve told yourself that if you can just get through this crazy week, month, or year, then there will be time to sleep, engage in self-care or find a healthier work-life balance.
But that week never seems to happen, does it? You have one crazy week after another crazy week. Then, before you know it you are scheduling a vacation simply to sleep.
Then let’s add in a pandemic. Almost three years later and most are wondering when we will be able to get that break. Especially, when we’re still managing the uncertainty and reacting to the world we are living in right now.
Compassion fatigue vs. burnout: what’s the difference?
According to the American Institute of Stress, the terms are defined as follows:
Also called “vicarious traumatization” or secondary traumatization (Figley, 1995). The emotional residue or strain of exposure to working with those suffering from the consequences of traumatic events. It differs from burn-out but can co-exist. Compassion Fatigue can occur due to exposure in one case or can be due to a “cumulative” level of trauma.
The cumulative process marked by emotional exhaustion and withdrawal associated with increased workload and institutional stress, NOT trauma-related. (Link)
So what does that mean for you? Not much in the grand scheme of things. The residual impact feels the same for you and the intervention. However, there is a clear difference:
Compassion fatigue has a more rapid onset while burnout emerges over time. Compassion fatigue has a faster recovery (less severe, if recognized and managed early). As a reminder (since I am aware that you teach all of these symptoms daily!) the symptoms vary from person to person.
Common signs of compassion fatigue & burnout:
Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, helpless, or powerless when hearing about others’ suffering
Anger, irritability, sadness, and anxiety
Feeling detached from your surroundings or from our physical or emotional experience
Emotional, psychological or physical exhaustion
Reduced empathy
Feeling hypersensitive or insensitive to stories we hear or to emotional material you hear or see
Limited tolerance for stress
Thinking or dwelling around the suffering of the trauma survivors
Self-blame or thoughts of “I should/could have done more”
Changes in belief systems (such as belief about self, others, world, future) or meaning in life
Reduced sense of personal and occupational accomplishment or efficacy
Difficulty concentrating, focusing or making decisions
Nausea, dizziness, headaches
Difficulty sleeping and nightmares
Being tense, agitated, and on edge
Self-isolation and withdrawal
Poor coping: alcohol use, self-medicating, and substance use
Relationship conflict
Feeling less efficient or productive at work
Reduced pleasure in activities we used to enjoy and reduced work satisfaction.
See yourself on that list?
Honestly, at certain times in my career, I have felt them. So, I get it. I know that you might be considering those umbrella drinks on a beautiful beach in Fiji…

You can reclaim the passion you once had in your career.
I know that there is a side of you that wants to continue to be the rockstar that you KNOW you are in your field. You’re looking for a way to continue to do what you love to do in a way in which you thrive instead of just survive.
You need a plan. A plan to slow down, become grounded and participate in self-care activities. The pandemic has forced us to slow down and re-evaluate our lives. Ok, some of us slowed down, others just changed the location of WHERE we work but we also gave ourselves permission to work longer and harder – what else is there to do during lockdown, right?!?
If the things I have discussed resonate with you, then let’s chat! I have a feeling we would be a great fit to work together. I offer online therapy for compassion fatigue and burnout. I’m committed to working with you to get you back to the high achiever you are – with realistic expectations of life, self, and those around you.
Begin therapy for burnout & compassion fatigue in CA, FL, OH, PA, TX, & TN.
If you’re ready to feel good about yourself your life, and your career, then I’m here to help! I offer online therapy for burnout and compassion fatigue in Texas, Ohio, Tennessee, Florida, California, and Pennsylvania. I also offer online therapy for busy professionals and online therapy for imposter syndrome. I specialize in using The Daring Way™ and offer online workshops to people wanting to overcome shame. Reach out to me today and let’s talk! If you are in the Nashville area you are in luck because we can meet in person - check out my office locations in Berry Hill and Mt Juliet to have a traditional therapy experience in person.
If you’re still looking for information, you can read about me as a therapist, check out my FAQs, or read my mental health blog.