Enneagram Series: Type Five

The enneagram is a system that shows us the nine ways that the people in the world default to in life. It explains the “why” of all that we do, think, and feel. There are nine types based on our core motivations and fear so that we can grow as an individual in order to thrive in our life.The enneagram answers the questions:  WHO are you? WHY are you? and HOW and WHAT do you want to change?  Each week we will examine one of the types so if you missed any of the weeks, you can get caught up by clicking the link in my bio to read the whole blog series.

The Pros and Cons of Being Enneagram Type Five

Type fives are known for being intensely thoughtful and investigative. They are curious, perceptive, and observant. Fives have a talent for developing intricate ideas and making them come to life. Fives fear being helpless and dream of capability and competency. They pursue knowledge with fervor in order to prevent situations in which they feel incompetent. A five receives their greatest joy from learning why things work the way they do. 

The Pros


Fives pursue knowledge with a deep passion. There is a reason they are known for being the “Investigator” enneagram. When a five does not know something, they don’t just shrug their shoulders in defeat. When a five does not know something, they will teach themselves about it until they feel competent in the subject. Fives dream of understanding the world around them- from the intricacies of life to the delicacies of survival. Fives are constantly looking to learn about their environment and will do what it takes to obtain the knowledge to successfully survive in it.


The five’s desire to understand the world around them allows them to develop opinions and ideas in an analytical sense. They are logical thinkers who do not take opinions and statements lightly. Fives rely the most on their own observations, refusing to take a simple statement as proof. This analytical thinking allows fives to avoid being fooled by harmful pseudoscience and lies. It also helps them develop solid theories about the world around them.


When at their healthiest, fives are able to make so many discoveries and learn so many new things because they are one of the most open-minded personality types. This ability to see the world from new perspectives allows them to see the world for what it really is, rather than through a narrow and biased lens.


As I mentioned before, fives heavily rely on their ability to observe the world around them in order to understand their environment. When a five is lacking in skills or knowledge, they do not tend to rely on the people around them to fix their issue. Fives would much rather pursue competency in the subject they feel inadequate in. This gives fives the ability to rely on themselves rather than having to place their confidence in other people.

The Cons

Emotionally Detached and Overly Intellectual

While the five’s analytical thinking can be great for helping them pursue their desire for competency, it can adversely affect their ability to understand their own emotions. Fives are great at observing the world around them. They get great joy when learning something new about their own environment. However, this ability to observe is lost in translation when it comes to looking within. Fives struggle to open up emotionally.


Five’s can become lost in their own thoughts. They may live their entire lives inside their own head. While their thoughts can be full of brilliant ideas, fives may find themselves feeling alone and socially isolated. Fives can, at times, appear to be eccentric and socially awkward to the people around them. Their brilliant minds may lead them to struggle to build trusting and loving relationships.


Fives may struggle to let loose as they are too engrossed with their own thoughts and ideas. Fives may struggle to let themselves have fun and enjoy the moment they are in as they become too wrapped up in their own thoughts and ideas.

Tips for Growth as a Type Five

Nurture Your Relationships

Fives struggle with their interpersonal relationships. They fear letting people in and do not trust easily. Make a conscious effort to build and nurture healthy, trusting relationships in your life. We all need somebody to turn to when we are feeling down or overwhelmed. Having just one or two high-quality, trusting, and loving relationships in your life can make all of the difference. 

Be Present

Sometimes, your thoughts may take you out of the present moment and prevent you from enjoying yourself fully. While it is great to allow yourself some time to develop your ideas and thoughts, working to live in the present moment more often will be a key piece to your happiness. Work on becoming aware of the moments your mind takes you away from the present moment. Is daydreaming taking you away from something special? Mindful meditation can be a great way to help you build boundaries between the moments lived inside your head and the moments lived within the world you reside in.

Make an Effort to Unwind

Your intensity can make it difficult to enjoy yourself. Carve some time in your day specifically meant to relax and unwind. You can try a few different methods to release overwhelming thoughts and emotions, like:- Yoga- Running- Meditation- Dance- Journaling- Spending time in nature

Seek the Advice of Others

Sometimes, your determination to figure things out for yourself can prevent you from gaining valuable insight from the people around you. If you know of somebody who is more knowledgeable in the subject you are learning, seeking their advice and knowledge can be extremely beneficial.

Learn When to Say No

Your desire to learn anything and everything is truly admirable, but can sometimes begin to drain you of your positive energy. When a pursuit begins to leave you feeling drained or down on yourself, learn when it is time to say no. Work to prioritize subjects that bring you passion and fill your heart with joy.When at their healthiest, fives can be amazingly intellectual people who have the potential to pioneer new discoveries. Fives can be open-minded and observational visionaries. Their curiosity and willingness to learn will give them the ability to make great discoveries about the world they live in and grant them the potential to change the world. Fives need to make sure to take the time to care for themselves and enjoy their present moment. This is when they will find themselves feeling their happiest and healthiest.

Want to learn more?  Working with me as a coach or as a therapist starts with finding out your Enneagram type and more information than you could ever want!   You can learn more about coaching services on my sister site: 


Strange name?  Yep.   Since I love all things Fiji, Tabu Soro means Never Give Up in Fijian.  Perfect name for those I partner with through coaching services!  Check it out…  

Whether as a coach, or a therapist, my goal is to partner with you to determine the best version of you.  Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Call today – on either site – we can figure out your journey path to get to where you want to be.    

I provide online therapy in Ohio, Tennessee, Florida, California, Texas, and Pennsylvania.  In addition, I am able to offer coaching services in all states, as well as internationally. I specialize in treating imposter syndrome, burnout, and anxiety using The Daring Way™ and offer online workshops to clients who want to overcome shame. Contact me today – for either avenue (virtual coaching or online therapy) and let’s be rockstars together!If you want to know more about me you can read about me as a therapist. Or, if you’re curious about my therapy practice then check out my FAQs, or read my mental health blog.   To learn more about coaching services check out more info at TABU SORO Coaching.Until then, take care of you and know that we are in this together –


Enneagram Series: Type Six


Enneagram Series: Type Four